ifoyile yealuminiyam

Ifoyile yeAluminiyam

Sinikezela ngefoyile ye-aluminiyam i-jumbo roll impahla enobunzima obuyi-0.0045mm – 0.2mm kunye nobubanzi be-80mm – 1400mm.

I-alloys ibandakanya 1235, 8011, 8079 njl.

I-diameter yangaphakathi yomqulu yi-76mm kunye ne-152mm.

Ifoyile yeAluminiyam isetyenziswa kakhulu ekhaya, kithcen, ushishino lwemathiriyeli yokupakisha, izitya zokutya, imathiriyeli edibeneyo, iimveliso zombane, umhombiso wokwakha, ukwenziwa kwe-air-conditioning, yoshicilelo kunye neminye imimandla.

aluminum foil manufacturer

IHenan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd

Inkonzo yobungcali kunye neemveliso ezisemgangathweni.

IHenan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd (HWALU ngokufutshane), amashishini abucala asekwe kwi 2001, ikwidolophu yaseHuiguo eyiNkunzi yeAluminiyam edumileyo kwiPhondo laseHenan, eTshayina. Nazi 1,200 abasebenzi kuquka ne-R&D iqela kunye 26 iingcali, kwaye igubungela indawo ye 250,000 square metres. Ngumvelisi oqeqeshiweyo kwaye ubandakanyeka kuphando, uphuhliso, imveliso, ukuthengisa kunye nenkonzo ye-aluminium foil.

Isebe lorhwebo lwamazwe ngamazwe liqale ishishini lokuthumela ngaphandle 2012, kunye neentengiso malunga 12 kunye nokuthumela ngaphandle ngonyaka malunga 80000 iitoni.

Ngoqokelelo olungaphezulu kwe 9 iminyaka, I-HWALU iseke i-Brand yayo phesheya. Kwinqanaba langoku, sijolise ekuphuhliseni imarike eninzi, ngomgangatho olungileyo, inkonzo.

Sinokuvelisa aluminiyam iimveliso ngokweemfuno zabathengi, kunye nemveliso yethu ikakhulu ibandakanya sheet aluminiyam, ikhoyili ye-aluminium, ifoyile yealuminiyam, umcu we-aluminium, isangqa aluminiyam ejikelezayo, ipleyiti yokunyathela i-aluminium, i-aluminiyam egxininisiweyo, isipili aluminiyam, aluminiyam anodized, aluminiyam egqunywe ngombala, iipleyiti zokudlulisa ubushushu, kunye namanye amacandelo machining aluminiyam, ifoyile yomqhubi wealuminium njl


What kind of aluminum foil is blister foil?

Blister foil is a special type of aluminum foil used primarily for pharmaceutical and medical packaging. Blister foil acts as a protective barrier for pills, capsules and tablets, sealing them in individual cavities (idyunguza) made of plastic or PVC. This type of foil ensures product safety, extends shelf life and provides tamper-evident features. Composition and structure of blister foil Blister foil is usually ...

What aluminum grade alloy is more suitable for honeycomb foil production?

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What are the differences between 1050 aluminum foil and other aluminum foils?

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2025 Eyona ndlela ilungileyo nekhawulezayo yokupheka iBacon

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