aluminium foil

Aluminium Foil

Kami nyayogikeun bahan gulungan jumbo aluminium foil kalayan ketebalan 0.0045mm – 0.2mm sarta rubak 80mm – 1400mm.

alloy ngawengku 1235, 8011, 8079 jsb.

Diaméter jero gulungan nyaéta 76mm sareng 152mm.

Aluminium foil loba dipaké di rumah tangga, kithcen, industri bahan bungkusan, wadah dahareun, bahan komposit, produk listrik, hiasan arsitéktur, manufaktur AC, percetakan jeung widang lianna.

aluminum foil manufacturer

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd

jasa profésional sarta produk kualitas alus.

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd (HWALU pikeun pondok), a perusahaan milik swasta ngadeg di 2001, perenahna di Kota Huiguo anu mangrupikeun Ibukota Aluminium anu kasohor di Propinsi Henan, Cina. Nyaéta 1,200 karyawan kaasup R&D tim kalawan 26 spesialis, sarta ngawengku wewengkon tina 250,000 méter pasagi. Ieu produsén profésional sarta kalibet dina panalungtikan, pangwangunan, produksi, jualan na jasa tina aluminium foil.

Departemen perdagangan internasional mimiti bisnis ékspor on 2012, kalawan jualan ngeunaan 12 jeung ékspor taunan ngeunaan 80000 ton.

Kalawan akumulasi pikeun leuwih ti 9 taun, HWALU geus ngadegkeun Brand na mancanagara. Dina tahap kiwari, kami Tujuan dina ngamekarkeun pasar leuwih, kalawan kualitas alus, palayanan.

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What kind of aluminum foil is blister foil?

Blister foil is a special type of aluminum foil used primarily for pharmaceutical and medical packaging. Blister foil acts as a protective barrier for pills, capsules and tablets, sealing them in individual cavities (lepuh) made of plastic or PVC. This type of foil ensures product safety, extends shelf life and provides tamper-evident features. Composition and structure of blister foil Blister foil is usually ...

What aluminum grade alloy is more suitable for honeycomb foil production?

Alloys suitable for honeycomb aluminum foil Aluminum alloys play a vital role in various industries due to their excellent properties such as low density, high strength-to-weight ratio, lalawanan korosi, thermal and electrical conductivity. Among these applications, honeycomb foil production is a prominent use, especially in aerospace, automotive, construction and other lightweight structural applications. A ...

What are the differences between 1050 aluminum foil and other aluminum foils?

Comparison between 1050 aluminum foil and other types of aluminum foil 1050 aluminum foil is a high-purity aluminum foil material with an aluminum content of more than 99.5%. It is widely used in food packaging, capacitors, cable belts and other fields. Compared with other types of aluminum foil, 1050 aluminum foil has the following characteristics and advantages: Chemical composition and purity 1050 alumunium ...

Parameter téknis aluminium foil pikeun batré

Battery aluminum foil is an important new energy material, widely used in various battery products such as lithium batteries, nickel-hydrogen batteries, and nickel-cadmium batteries. It is not only widely used, but also has an important impact on the performance of batteries. Let's introduce the technical parameters of battery aluminum foil in detail. Basic performance of battery aluminum foil 1. Kandelna: The ...

2025 Cara Pangsaéna Sareng Panggancangna Pikeun Masak Bacon

The best and fastest way to cook bacon in 2025 An effective, simple and clean way to cook bacon, instead of the traditional frying in a pan. Maybe you will question whether it is really simple and effective, but I believe that after you understand it, you will definitely use it in the next bacon cooking. Use aluminum foil to bake bacon in the oven Why bake bacon in the oven instead of frying it the traditi ...

Beda Aplikasi Aluminium Foil Jeung Paduan Béda Jeung Kandel

Multiple specifications of aluminum foil Will there be big differences in the application of aluminum foils with different thicknesses? 0.005-0.2mm thickness aluminum foil Aluminum foil is a very thin aluminum alloy product obtained by rolling thicker aluminum foil or aluminum ingots. It has excellent physical and chemical properties and is widely used in different fields. Its thickness also directly affects i ...