foil almain

Foil Aluminium

We supply aluminum foil jumbo roll material with thickness of 0.0045mm – 0.2mm and width of 80mm – 1400mm.

Alloys include 1235, 8011, 8079 etc.

Inner diamter of the roll are 76mm and 152mm.

Aluminum foil are widely used in household, kithcen, packaging materials industry, food containers, composite materials, electrical products, architectural decoration, air-conditioning manufacturing, printing and other fields.

aluminum foil manufacturer

Tha Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Earr

Professional service and good quality products.

Tha Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Earr (HWALU for short), a privately-owned enterprises established in 2001, is located in Huiguo Town which is the famous Aluminum Capital in Henan Province, Sìona. Tha 1,200 employees including a R&D team with 26 specialists, and covers an area of 250,000 square meters. It’s a professional manufacturer and engages in the research, development, production, sales and service of aluminum foil.

The International trade department began the export business on 2012, with the sales about 12 and annual export about 80000 tons.

With the accumulation for more than 9 years, HWALU has established its Brand abroad. At the present stage, we aim at develop more market, with the good quality, service.

We can produce aluminium products by customer’s requirements, and our products mainly includes duilleag aluminium, coil alùmanum, foil almain, aluminum strip, round aluminum circle, aluminum tread plate, embossed aluminum, mirror aluminum, anodized aluminum, color coated aluminum, heat transfer plates, and other aluminum machining parts, aluminum bilister foil etc


What is the thickness of the aluminum foil?

How thick is aluminum foil? Understanding of aluminum foil What is aluminium foil? Aluminum foil is a hot stamping material that is directly rolled into thin sheets with metal aluminum. It has a very thin thickness. Aluminum foil is also called fake silver foil because its hot stamping effect is similar to that of pure silver foil. Aluminum foil has many excellent properties, including soft texture, good duct ...

An diofar eadar stàilinn agus alùmanum

The Difference Between Steel and Aluminum What is aluminum metals? Do you know aluminum? Aluminum is a metal element that is abundant in nature. It is a silvery-white light metal with good ductility, strì an aghaidh creimeadh, and lightness. Aluminum metal can be made into rods (aluminum rods), sheets (aluminum plates), foils (foil almain), rolls (aluminum rolls), strips (aluminum strips), and wires. Aluminium ...

5052 Aluminium VS 6061 Aluminium

Eadar-dhealachaidhean eadar Aluminium 5052 Agus Aluminium 6061 Ro-ràdh de 5052 almain alloy Aluminium 5052 an alloy alùmanum as motha a thathas a’ cleachdadh anns an 5000 sreath. 5052 Buinidh alùmanum don alloy A1-Mg, ris an canar cuideachd alùmanum dìon-meirge. 5052 tha neart àrd aig aloi alùmanum. Nuair a thèid magnesium a chur ris, 5052 tha neart nas fheàrr aig plàta alùmanum agus neart nas fheàrr. Aluminium alloy 5052 le sàr-mhath ...

A bheil fios agad “foil almain”?

A bheil fios agad "foil almain"? Mìneachadh air stuth foil alùmanum Dè a th 'ann an stuth foil aluminium? Is e stuth a th’ ann am foil alùmanum a tha air a roiligeadh gu dìreach ann an siotaichean tana a’ cleachdadh alùmanum meatailt (plàta alùmanum le tiugh sònraichte). Tha feartan inneach bog aig foil alùmanum, sùbailteachd math, agus luster airgid-gheal. Tha e air a chleachdadh gu farsaing ann an iomadh raon. Tha na leanas na ro-ràdh mionaideach t ...

A bheil alùmanum ann an deodorant gun alùmanum?

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Dè th' ann an 4×8 duilleag de 1/8 prìs aluminium òirleach?

4duilleag x8 1/8 prìs aluminium òirleach Tuig dè th’ ann an 4x8 1/8 ann an duilleag aluminium 4x8 duilleag de 1/8 Tha òirleach alùmanum na shònrachadh de dhuilleag alùmanum, le fad agus leud 4 troigh x 8 casan (mu 1.22x2.44m) agus tiugh de 1/8 òirlich (mu dheidhinn 3.175 mm). 44Tha duilleag alùmanum x8 mòr, caol, duilleag meatailt aotrom le cuideam aotrom, resistant creimeadh, agus feartan toraidh furasta a phròiseasadh. Aluminium ...