What is Extra-heavy duty aluminum foil

Extra-heavy duty aluminum foil is a type of aluminum foil that is thicker and more durable than standard or heavy-duty aluminum foil. Ini dirancang untuk menahan suhu yang lebih tinggi dan memberikan kekuatan ekstra, sehingga cocok untuk aplikasi yang lebih menuntut di dapur dan sekitarnya.

Aluminium Foil Tugas Ekstra Berat
Aluminium Foil Tugas Ekstra Berat

Extra-heavy duty aluminum foil common alloys

The common alloy used for extra-heavy duty aluminum foil is typically AA3003. This aluminum alloy is known for its combination of strength, sifat mampu bentuk, dan ketahanan terhadap korosi, making it suitable for applications where a more robust and durable foil is required. It is important to note that while AA3003 is a common alloy for extra-heavy duty aluminum foil, variations may exist based on manufacturer specifications and product requirements.

Commonly, for heavy-duty or extra-heavy duty aluminum foil, the alloy used is often AA8011.

AA8011 is an alloy that is well-suited for foil applications due to its balance of strength, sifat mampu bentuk, and surface quality. It is specifically designed for use in household foil, flexible packaging, and other similar applications where a combination of strength and flexibility is important.

Extra-heavy duty aluminum foil thickness range

The thickness of extra-heavy duty aluminum foil can vary, but it generally falls within the range of 0.0015 inci (0.0381 mm) ke 0.002 inci (0.0508 mm) or even thicker. This thickness provides additional strength and durability compared to standard or heavy-duty aluminum foil.

Extra-heavy duty aluminum foil application
Extra-heavy duty aluminum foil application

Extra-heavy duty aluminum foil application

  • Grilling and Barbecuing: Extra-heavy duty aluminum foil is commonly used for wrapping and cooking food on a grill. Its thickness helps prevent tearing or punctures, and it can withstand the high temperatures of grilling.
  • Roasting: When roasting large cuts of meat or poultry, extra-heavy duty foil can be used to create a sturdy and heat-resistant cooking vessel.
  • Baking: Some people use extra-heavy duty aluminum foil to line baking pans for heavy-duty baking tasks. It provides a barrier that can withstand the high temperatures of baking.
  • Freezing: This type of foil is also suitable for wrapping and protecting food for freezing. Its thickness helps prevent freezer burn and protects against the formation of ice crystals.
  • Transporting and Storage: Extra-heavy duty foil is often used for packing and storing food, especially when durability and heat resistance are essential.

It’s important to note that while extra-heavy duty aluminum foil is more durable, it may not be necessary for all cooking or food storage needs. Standard or heavy-duty aluminum foil may be sufficient for many everyday tasks. The choice of foil thickness depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand.

Mengapa memilih kami?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. adalah pemimpin dari banyak manufaktur dan pemasok aluminium di Cina. Kami secara ketat mengontrol kualitas dan fokus pada pelanggan. Kami berharap dapat memiliki kerja sama yang mendalam dengan Anda dan memberi Anda layanan OEM khusus produk bahan aluminium berkualitas tinggi. Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan harga terbaru dan terbaik dengan standar berat per kg atau per ton, silakan hubungi kami.

Lini produksi aluminium foil

Sedang mengemas

  • Kemasan: Kotak kayu
  • Spesifikasi kotak kayu standar: Panjang*Lebar*Tinggi=1,4m*1,3m*0,8m
  • Sekali diperlukan,dimensi kotak kayu dapat didesain ulang sesuai kebutuhan.
  • Per kotak kayu Skala Berat Kotor: 500-700KG Berat Bersih: 450-650kg
  • Komentar: Untuk persyaratan kemasan khusus, yang sesuai harus ditambahkan sesuai.