What is aluminium foil 11 мікрон?

11 micron aluminum foil refers to a thin sheet of aluminum that is approximately 11 мікрон (μm) thick. Термін “мікрон” is a unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter.
Алюмінієва фольга 11 мікрон, also known as 0.0011mm aluminum foil, is a multifunctional material with excellent barrier properties, flexibility and conductivity.

Aluminum foil thickness application

Алюмінієва фольга 11 micron Capable of being used in a variety of applications, 11 micron aluminum foil is relatively thin and may be suitable for applications requiring a lightweight, flexible material with moderate barrier properties. Such as packaging, ізоляція, cooking and electronics.
Aluminum foil can vary in thickness, with different thicknesses suitable for different uses.

Types of thin aluminum foil

Huawei Aluminum can provide aluminum foil with a thickness of 0.005-0.2mm, which can be used for a variety of purposes.

6 мікронна алюмінієва фольга

6 micron aluminum foil is the thinnest aluminum foil and is commonly used in capacitors, lithium batteries and other fields. Due to its extremely thin thickness, the energy density and performance stability of the device can be improved.

7 мікронна алюмінієва фольга

7-micron aluminum foil is commonly used in daily household applications such as baking pan liners and oven insulation mats. It has good thermal insulation properties and high temperature resistance, and can effectively protect food and household appliances.

9 мікронна алюмінієва фольга

9 micron aluminum foil is the most common thickness and is widely used in food packaging, pharmaceutical packaging and other fields. Due to its good moisture-proof and sealing properties, it can effectively protect food and medicine from the external environment.

13 мікронна алюмінієва фольга

13 micron aluminum foil is commonly used in oven insulation pads, car sound insulation materials and other fields. It has good heat insulation performance and noise prevention effect, which can improve the comfort and safety of the car.

18 мікронна алюмінієва фольга

18 micron aluminum foil is commonly used in building insulation materials, air conditioning ducts and other fields. Due to its good fire resistance and corrosion resistance, it can improve the safety and service life of buildings.

25 мікронна алюмінієва фольга

25 micron aluminum foil is commonly used in electronic products, printing industry and other fields. Due to its good electrical conductivity and printability, it can be used to manufacture capacitors, printed circuit boards and other products.

40 мікронна алюмінієва фольга

40 micron aluminum foil is usually used in aerospace, military and other fields. Due to its thick thickness and good corrosion resistance, it can be used to manufacture aircraft parts, missile casings and other products.

What are the applications of 11 мікронна алюмінієва фольга?

11 micron aluminum foil is a relatively thin aluminum foil, approximately 11 мікрон (μm) thick. Aluminum foil is widely used in a variety of applications due to its excellent isolation properties, flexibility and conductivity. Here are some examples of possible uses for 11 мікронна алюмінієва фольга:

Food packaging: Aluminum foil is often used in food packaging as it provides good air barrier and freshness preservation properties. This thin aluminum foil may be suitable for packaging some perishable foods, such as chocolates, candies, bread, тощо.

Electronics: Thin aluminum foil is used in electronics such as battery packaging, circuit board shielding and other electronic components because it is lightweight and conductive.

Thermal Insulation: Due to its thin and flexible properties, 11 micron aluminum foil can be used for thermal insulation, for example in the construction or automotive industries for thermal insulation layers.

Мистецтво і ремесла: Aluminum foil is also commonly used in arts and crafts, such as making decorations, sculptures or handicrafts.

Laboratory uses: Thin aluminum foil may be used in a variety of experiments in the laboratory, such as packaging samples or as isolation material during experiments.

Чому обирають нас?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., ТОВ. є лідером багатьох виробників і постачальників алюмінію в Китаї. Ми суворо контролюємо якість і орієнтуємося на клієнтів. Ми сподіваємося на поглиблену співпрацю з вами та надамо вам високоякісні алюмінієві матеріали на замовлення OEM-послуги. Якщо ви хочете отримати найновіші та найкращі ціни за кг або стандартну вагу за тонну, будь ласка, зв'яжіться з нами.

Лінія виробництва алюмінієвої фольги


  • Пакет: Дерев'яний ящик
  • Специфікація стандартної дерев'яної коробки: Довжина*Ширина*Висота=1,4м*1,3м*0,8м
  • Одного разу потрібно,розміри дерев'яного корпусу можуть бути перероблені за потреби.
  • Ваги брутто на дерев'яний ящик: 500-700кг Вага нетто: 450-650КГ
  • Зауваження: Для спеціальних вимог до упаковки, відповідно додається відповідний.