Aluminum foil supplier for India

Huawei Aluminum Foil Factory exports a large amount of aluminum foil products to India every year, og vi er i stand til å tilby aluminiumsfolieprodukter for en rekke brukstyper.

Hvilke typer aluminiumsfolie klassifiseres etter bruksområde?

Aluminiumsfolie kommer i ulike typer, and its classification often depends on the specific application for which it is intended. Here are some common types of aluminum classified foil according to their applications:

Household foil:

Used for general household purposes, such as wrapping and storing food.
Typically available in various thicknesses to suit different needs.
Commonly used for covering dishes, wrapping leftovers, and lining baking sheets.

Industrial foil:

Designed for industrial applications and often used in manufacturing processes.
May have specific properties tailored to industrial requirements, such as heat resistance or enhanced barrier properties.

Insulation aluminum foil:

Utilized in the construction industry for isolasjon purposes.
Often features reflective surfaces to redirect radiant heat and improve insulation efficiency.

Pharmaceutical foil:

Manufactured to meet the stringent requirements of the pharmaceutical industry.
Used for packaging pharmaceutical products, ensuring protection from light, fuktighet, og forurensninger.

Aluminum cable foil:

Specifically designed for the cable industry.
Used to shield and protect cables from external interference.

Flexible packaging foil:

Designed for flexible packaging applications, such as pouches and sachets.
Provides a barrier against light, oksygen, and moisture to preserve the freshness of packaged goods.


Used in the packaging of food containers to create a secure seal.
Often employed in the packaging of yogurt, desserts, and other similar products.

Heat-sealing foil:

Designed for applications where heat sealing is required.
Commonly used in the packaging of pharmaceuticals, mat, and other products.

Tobacco fluminum foil:

Specifically manufactured for the tobacco industry.
Used to wrap and package tobacco products, providing protection and freshness.

Aluminum foil for flectrolytic fapacitors:

Engineered for use in the production of electrolytic capacitors.
Requires specific electrical and mechanical properties.

Hvorfor velge oss?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. er leder for mange aluminiumsprodusenter og leverandører i Kina. Vi kontrollerer strengt kvaliteten og fokuserer på kundene. Vi håper å ha et dyptgående samarbeid med deg og gi deg høykvalitets aluminiumsmaterialprodukter tilpassede OEM-tjenester. Hvis du ønsker å få de nyeste og beste prisene per kg eller per tonn standardvekt, værsåsnill kontakt oss.

Produksjonslinje for aluminiumsfolie


  • Pakke: Trekasse
  • Standard trekassespesifikasjon: Lengde*Bredde*Høyde=1,4m*1,3m*0,8m
  • En gang nødvendig,trekassedimensjon kan redesignes etter behov.
  • Pr. trekasse Bruttovektskala: 500-700KG Nettovekt: 450-650KG
  • Bemerke: For spesielle emballasjekrav, tilsvarende skal legges til tilsvarende.