Velkomin í Huawei Aluminium, traustur félagi þinn í heimi álpappírs. Við erum leiðandi álpappír 8011 12-micron verksmiðju og heildsala, skuldbundið sig til að afhenda hágæða vörur sem koma til móts við margs konar atvinnugreinar. Í þessari yfirgripsmiklu handbók, við munum kanna allt sem þú þarft að vita um álpappírinn okkar 8011, forskriftir þess, og umsóknir.

Mill Finsh 12 Micron Aluminum Foil with 8006 8011 3003
Mill Finsh 12 Micron Aluminum Foil with 8006 8011 3003

1. Kynning á álpappír 8011

Álpappír 8011 is a versatile and widely-used product known for its exceptional properties. It is a part of the 8000 series of aluminum alloys, specifically designed for foil applications. The ’12 micronspecification indicates the thickness of the foil, making it perfect for various purposes. Whether you need it for packaging, einangrun, or any other industrial application, our Aluminum Foil 8011 is your reliable choice.

8011 Álpappír
8011 Álpappír

2. Alloy Models and Specifications

Aluminum foil comes in a variety of alloy models and specifications to meet specific industry requirements. Fyrir neðan, we present a table detailing some of the common alloy models and specifications:

Módel úr álfelgurÞykkt (Míkron)Breidd (mm)SkapgerðSurface
801112SérsniðinOÖnnur hlið björt, the other matte

Please note that custom specifications are also available upon request. If you have specific requirements, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

3. Why Choose Aluminum Foil 8011 12 Míkron

Álpappír 8011 has several features that make it a preferred choice in various industries:

  • High Purity: It is manufactured from high-purity aluminum, ensuring a clean and uncontaminated product.
  • Excellent Barrier Properties: Aluminum foil provides an exceptional barrier to moisture, gases, and light, making it ideal for food packaging and preservation.
  • Conformability: Its malleability and ability to adapt to various shapes make it an excellent choice for packaging.
  • Hitaþol: Aluminum foil can withstand high temperatures without compromising its integrity, making it suitable for cooking applications.
  • Endurvinnanleiki: It is an environmentally friendly choice as aluminum foil is recyclable and can be used repeatedly.
12 Micron álpappír
12 Micron álpappír

4. Umsóknir

Okkar Álpappír 8011 12 Míkron finds extensive use across diverse industries:

  • Food Packaging: It is widely used for wrapping, storing, and cooking food items. Its barrier properties keep food fresh.
  • Lyfjaumbúðir: Aluminum foil ensures the protection and preservation of pharmaceutical products.
  • Einangrun: Used in building and construction for insulation purposes.
  • Electrical Conductors: Aluminum foil is used as a conductor in capacitors and other electronic components.
  • Heat Exchangers: It is used in the manufacturing of heat exchangers.

5. Gæðatrygging

Hjá Huawei Aluminium, we prioritize quality. Our Aluminum Foil 8011 12 Micron is manufactured under strict quality control measures to ensure consistency and reliability. We adhere to international standards and regulations, making us a trusted supplier for businesses around the world.

Af hverju að velja okkur?

Henan Huawei Aluminum Co., Ltd. er leiðtogi margra álframleiðenda og birgja í Kína. Við höfum strangt eftirlit með gæðum og einbeitum okkur að viðskiptavinum. Við vonumst til að eiga ítarlegt samstarf við þig og veita þér hágæða álefnisvörur sérsniðna OEM þjónustu. Ef þú vilt fá nýjasta og besta verðið fyrir hvert kg eða tonn af staðlaðri þyngd, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við okkur.

Framleiðslulína úr álpappír


  • Pakki: Trékassi
  • Standard tréhylkislýsing: Lengd*Breidd*Hæð=1,4m*1,3m*0,8m
  • Einu sinni þörf,Hægt væri að endurhanna viðarhylki eftir þörfum.
  • Hvert trékassa Heildarþyngdarvog: 500-700KG Nettóþyngd: 450-650KG
  • Athugasemd: Fyrir sérstakar kröfur um umbúðir, samsvarandi bætist við í samræmi við það.