
В Huawei Aluminium, ние се гордеем с това, че сме водещ производител и търговец на едро на висококачествена хартия от алуминиево фолио, проектирана специално за контейнери за храна. С ангажимент за съвършенство и прецизност, нашият 3003 Алуминиево фолио is engineered to meet the highest industry standards, гарантиране на безопасността и надеждността на вашите хранителни опаковки.


Защо да изберете 3003 Алуминий за контейнери за храна?

The choice of material for food packaging is crucial, и 3003 Aluminum stands out for various reasons. This alloy is widely recognized for its exceptional properties that make it an ideal choice for food container applications. Let’s delve into the key features that set 3003 Aluminum apart:

  1. Устойчивост на корозия:
    • 3003 Aluminum exhibits excellent corrosion resistance, ensuring that your food remains uncontaminated and safe for consumption.
  2. Strength and Durability:
    • With a good strength-to-weight ratio, 3003 Aluminum provides the necessary durability for food containers, preventing deformation and maintaining the structural integrity of the packaging.
  3. Heat Conductivity:
    • The high thermal conductivity of 3003 Aluminum ensures even heat distribution, making it suitable for both hot and cold food items.
  4. Оформяемост:
    • This alloy is highly formable, allowing for intricate designs and shapes in food container production.
  5. Hygiene and Safety:
    • 3003 Aluminum is non-toxic and safe for direct contact with food, meeting the stringent hygiene standards required for food packaging.

3003 Alloy Models and Specifications:

To meet the diverse needs of our customers, Huawei Aluminum offers a range of alloy models with detailed specifications. Below is a comprehensive table highlighting the key alloy models and their specifications:

Модел от сплавТемпераментДебелина (мм)ширина (мм)Coil ID (мм)Приложение
3003H220.02-0.2100-1600505, 508Food Containers, Опаковка
3003H240.03-0.2100-1600505, 508Disposable Tableware
3003H260.03-0.2100-1600505, 508Aviation Meal Boxes

(Забележка: This is a partial table for illustrative purposes. For the complete list of alloy models and specifications, please refer to our official product catalog or contact our sales team.)

Гарантиране на качеството:

В Huawei Aluminium, качеството е наш основен приоритет. Our manufacturing processes adhere to strict quality control measures, ensuring that every roll of 3003 Aluminum foil paper for food containers meets or exceeds industry standards. We conduct regular tests for thickness, сила, and purity to guarantee the reliability of our products.


Applications of 3003 Aluminum Foil for Food Containers:

Нашите 3003 Aluminum foil is versatile and finds applications in various segments of the food packaging industry. Some common applications include:

  1. Takeout Containers:
    • Our foil is widely used for takeout containers, ensuring that food remains fresh and hot during transportation.
  2. Catering and Events:
    • Whether it’s a large catering event or a small family gathering, our foil paper is designed to meet the demands of diverse food packaging needs.
  3. Airline Meal Packaging:
    • The aviation industry trusts our 3003 Aluminum foil for meal boxes served on flights due to its lightweight nature and excellent heat retention properties.
  4. Disposable Tableware:
    • From plates to trays, our foil paper is used to create a wide range of disposable tableware, providing convenience without compromising on quality.

Екологична устойчивост:

Huawei Aluminum is committed to environmental sustainability. Нашите 3003 Aluminum foil is 100% рециклируеми, promoting a circular economy and reducing the environmental impact of food packaging waste.

Защо да изберете нас?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., ООД. е лидер на много производители и доставчици на алуминий в Китай. Ние стриктно контролираме качеството и се фокусираме върху клиентите. Надяваме се да имаме задълбочено сътрудничество с вас и да ви предоставим висококачествени продукти от алуминиеви материали по поръчка на OEM услуги. Ако искате да получите най-новите и най-добри цени за кг или тон стандартно тегло, Моля, свържете се с нас.

Линия за производство на алуминиево фолио


  • Пакет: Дървена кутия
  • Стандартна спецификация на дървена кутия: Дължина*Ширина*Височина=1,4м*1,3м*0,8м
  • Веднъж необходим,Размерът на дървената кутия може да бъде преработен според изискванията.
  • Везна за бруто тегло на дървена кутия: 500-700KG Нетно тегло: 450-650КИЛОГРАМА
  • Забележка: За специални изисквания към опаковката, съответните се добавят съответно.