What is medicinal aluminum foil

Pharmaceutical aluminum foil is generally a thinner aluminum foil, en sy dikte is gewoonlik tussen 0,02 mm en 0,03 mm.

Die belangrikste kenmerk van farmaseutiese aluminiumfoelie is dat dit 'n goeie suurstofversperring het, vogbestand, beskerming en vars hou eienskappe, wat die kwaliteit en veiligheid van medisyne effektief kan beskerm. Daarby, pharmaceutical aluminum foil also has excellent mechanical properties, such as tensile strength, bending properties, ens., and can adapt to different packaging processes and packaging forms.

Pharmaceutical aluminum foil is generally divided into two types: hard pharmaceutical aluminum foil and soft pharmaceutical aluminum foil. Rigid pharmaceutical aluminum foil is usually used to make the packaging of solid medicines such as tablets and capsules, while soft pharmaceutical aluminum foil is suitable for packaging of liquid medicines and oral liquids. Pharmaceutical aluminum foil can also increase its anti-counterfeiting performance and aesthetics through surface treatment, such as printing patterns, text, barcodes, ens.


Allooi: 1145, 8011 ens

Dikte: 0.0065mm – 0.05mm

Breedte: 250mm – 1050mm

Produk Tipe

Hoekom ons kies?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Bpk. is die leier van baie aluminium vervaardigers en verskaffers in China. Ons beheer die kwaliteit streng en fokus op kliënte. Ons hoop om in-diepte samewerking met u te hê en u voorsien van hoë kwaliteit aluminium materiaal produkte persoonlike OEM dienste. As jy die nuutste en beste pryse per kg of per ton standaardgewig wil kry, kontak ons ​​asseblief.

Produksielyn van aluminiumfoelie


  • Pakket: Hout kis
  • Standaard Houtkas spesifikasie: Lengte*Breedte*Hoogte=1.4m*1.3m*0.8m
  • Sodra nodig,houtkasafmeting kan herontwerp word soos benodig.
  • Per houtkas Bruto gewig skaal: 500-700KG netto gewig: 450-650KG
  • Opmerking: Vir spesiale verpakkingsvereistes, ooreenstemmende sal dienooreenkomstig bygevoeg word.