Allooi tipe aluminiumfoelie vir skoonheidsmiddels

Where is aluminum foil for cosmetics used in cosmetics?

1-Verpakking: Sommige produkte in skoonheidsmiddels, soos gesigsmaskers, oogmaskers, lip maskers, kolle, ens., gebruik gewoonlik aluminiumfoelieverpakking, omdat aluminiumfoelie goeie vogbestand is, anti-oksidasie, hitte isolasie, fresh-keeping and other properties, which can effectively protect the ingredients of cosmetics and quality.

2-Transfer: Some products in cosmetics such as powder and granular items can also be transferred using aluminum foil, such as eye shadow, blush, loose powder, ens. of cosmetics. The surface of aluminum foil is smooth, easy to clean, nie-toksies, and harmless, very suitable as a transfer tool for cosmetics.

3-Sealing: Some liquid, colloidal, or viscous products of cosmetics, such as lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, ens., can also be sealed with aluminum foil. Aluminum foil can seal the liquid and prevent cosmetics from leaking out, while also maintaining the humidity and freshness of the product.

Hoekom ons kies?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Bpk. is die leier van baie aluminium vervaardigers en verskaffers in China. Ons beheer die kwaliteit streng en fokus op kliënte. Ons hoop om in-diepte samewerking met u te hê en u voorsien van hoë kwaliteit aluminium materiaal produkte persoonlike OEM dienste. As jy die nuutste en beste pryse per kg of per ton standaardgewig wil kry, kontak ons ​​asseblief.

Produksielyn van aluminiumfoelie


  • Pakket: Hout kis
  • Standaard Houtkas spesifikasie: Lengte*Breedte*Hoogte=1.4m*1.3m*0.8m
  • Sodra nodig,houtkasafmeting kan herontwerp word soos benodig.
  • Per houtkas Bruto gewig skaal: 500-700KG netto gewig: 450-650KG
  • Opmerking: Vir spesiale verpakkingsvereistes, ooreenstemmende sal dienooreenkomstig bygevoeg word.